Very effective way to catch water where it falls

These days water conservation is very important. We are running short of water and here is a way to harvest water and sustainably use it. The way is Footpath Rainwater Harvesting. Generally what happens is that when water falls on the road it causes waterlogging and is sent to drains. Roads cover a big space in a city and all that amount of water is wasted.Here's how we can harvest this water. We make small holes of a diameter around 1 inch on the footpath.then below that we will make tank which will have rocks this will allow the water ro slowly fill in the tank.then we will take a pipe and attach it to the tank. We will make small holes in the tank too ao that if the water is not in use it will convert in ground water. The image above is a rough model which is not correct but to an extent similar. Now you all might be worried about about the maintainance but it is only about the water and for water on this Earth we must compromise a bit. I hope you all find this use...