Why is there an increase in depression & suicide cases in India

A mental health disorder characterized by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.

Possible causes include a combination of biological, psychological and social sources of distress. Increasingly, research suggests that these factors may cause changes in brain function, including altered activity of certain neural circuits in the brain.
The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterizes major depression can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms. These may include changes in sleep, appetite, energy level, concentration, daily behavior or self-esteem. Depression can also be associated with thoughts of suicide.
The mainstay of treatment is usually medication, talk therapy or a combination of the two. Increasingly, research suggests that these treatments may normalize brain changes associated with depression.
These problems existed ages ago too, so what is the reason that the depression have shot up gradually?
 The actual reason is the fall in the belief of gods. India had a number of beautiful temples and have a huge population who have blind faith in Gods. In Hinduism itself we have 33 crore (330 million) gods and goddess. India have a very rich culture and heritage whose base are the gods.

So, naturally they taught their fait were in the hands of the gods which included the worst parts of their lives, and this untaught concept helped them and gave them hopes for future. 

But now, Indians prefer westernization more than their own culture and as western thoughts now dominate their mind, they have started losing this concept. This the reason Why is there a increase in depression & suicide cases in India.


  1. Nice article. Life is easier when someone (gods, parents, the state, etc) is taking care of you (or you believe they do)

    1. Exactly...check out my latest blog...hope you like it

  2. there are NOT 33 crore gods, the word "Koti" has 2 meaning "Type" and "Crore". The foreign translators forgot the basic fact that sanatana dharma has 33 supreme gods Not 33 CRORE GODS.

    1. 12 Adityas
      11 Rudras
      8 Vasu
      1 Prajapati (Master of Gods)
      1 Supreme God


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